Infrastructure & Technology

Sunrise Healthcare is well equipped with 3 state-of-the-art Modular Operation Theater. We have the latest KARL STORZ HIGH DEFINITION MONITORS with IMAGE ONE CAMERAS and XENON LIGHT SOURCE and the most updated energy sources like HARMONIC SCALPEL (Johnson & Johnson) ENSEAL (J&J) and LIGASURE, C-ARM from SIEMENS.

We have the latest in Arthroscopy (with coblators) as well as best equipment for our Uretro Renal colleagues. As our surgeons have vast experience in Bariatric surgeries (weight loss and Diabetic surgeries) special arrangements have been made for obese patients, Large Beds-OT Beds which can take up to 250kgs weight. Special Anesthesia Machines from Dragger are installed in our OT complex.

Minimally Invasive Videoendoscopy:

Our latest Videoscope from Olympus offers Gastroscopy, Colonoscopy to be done along with various other procedures in 2 hours as a daycare procedure.

Post Operative Recovery / ICU:

We are equipped with state of the art Post Operative Recovery/ ICU set-up with ventilators from Phillips.


We have fully flashed Oncquest lab services with the latest equipment including the Architect Roche machine to offer all Hormone studies as well.

Hospital Management System ( HMS):

Our unique Hospital Management software designed by IWARE ensures complete transparency of patient bills and records.  Also as HMS is internet-connected, and controlled it aids us in the central administration of all administrative activities.

Advanced Imaging Centre:

The department of Diagnostics & Imaging offers most advanced state-of-the-art technology backed by a team of experienced radiologists and technologists. High-quality imaging interpreted by experts offers the best chances of precise diagnosis and treatment planning.

The Department Is Well Equipped With All The Imaging Modalities Such As:


  • Digital X-Ray unit with high frequency generator from Wipro GE with Agfa Digitizer provide high quality X-Ray pictures.
  • For in-bed sick patients, the department has mobile X-Ray units with Agfa Digitizer.
  • Ultrasound system- The latest and most advanced Seimens USG machine.

For Early Diagnosis Of Osteoporosis DEXA Bone Densitometer Of Wipro GE

Stereotactic Mammography:

Unlike all others centres that offer mammography only for the detection and prognosis of Breast Cancer, the stereo tactic mammography from GE offers the opportunity to take a biopsy from any suspicious area without even administering local anesthesia.

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