According to Dr Nikita Trehan, the best gynaecologist in India, the incidence of cancer is increasing exponentially and cancer of the cervix (mouth of the womb) is still the most common cancer occurring in Indian women compared to the western world where its incidence has reduced drastically. Dr Nikita Trehan says the main reason for that is that the western world has adopted a number of preventive strategies to decrease the incidence of cervical cancer which are still not widely used in India. Preventive strategies and symptoms that are alarming: Cervical cancer vaccination is available and hence now all parents should vaccinate their daughters with this vaccine before they get married. After marriage all girls should go for regular Pap smears (in this simple OPD procedure cancer cells and pre cancer cells are looked for) and where in doubt Colposcopy may be performed by the doctor. Dr Nikita Trehan, world-renowned Gynaecologist & Laparoscopic surgeon, observes a woman should never ignore abnormal bleeding like that which happens between 2 menstrual cycles (inter-menstrual bleeding) or that which happens after intercourse (post-coital bleeding) as they could be symptoms of a cancer!! With early detection of precancerous and cancerous wound “the laparoscopic route can be used to treat these cancers and even the fertility can be preserved (uterus can be saved) when desired (lap radical

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